Saturday, August 1, 2009

Half Sours - Yummy!

Check out the article about a lower east side NY institution that is moving to brooklyn due to rent hikes. I have fond memories of spending time in an area that before it become hipster heaven, was a true mixing pot.

In no particular order:
1. Late nights at Max Fish, a bar that was in the neighborhood way before it was popular. It is a bright dive bar that is always a good time, fun people, good space, and nice vibe.

2. Jew food at Katz's - there is nothing like a late night knebleworst, half sour pickles, and matzah ball soup.

3. Going with my dad to buy a "talit" - a prayer shawl. I had just moved to NYC, my dad came to visit and we went to a jewdaica store. I was dressed in what would not be considered modest, but the rabbis there were super nice and thought of men to set me up with.

4. Seeing burlesque and the blue bunny at the slipper room. No one can tell me naked is more sexy than a tease.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i have fond memories of #1 and #2 with you!