Sunday, February 22, 2009

Food P*rn: Anthony Bourdain - No Reservations

My brother, Joshua, calls all these amazing shows about food - "Food Porn" (now to be called Food P*rn so I don't get in trouble), started by the emergence of the food channel over the last 10 years. I don't think he is the only one to use this term. What he means is these shows are compelling, and make you want more - more food, more travel, more life.

I am in the middle of watching No Reservations with Anthony Bordain on the travel channel, he is Mexico with the chef from Les Halles in NYC. I am literally drooling at the friejoles, tacos, stews, tortillas, mole etc. The colors are amazing, and I can practically smell the food through the TV.

What I love about this show is that he comes together with people over food - he tries everything and is truly engaged - engaged in something he loves. He loves food and how it is the same all over the world (brings communities and family together) and how it is different (the flavors and traditions) .

I am more and more searching out people who have passion in their lives. Thank you for sharing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watch him devotedly- and have read most of his books. I have a HUGE crush on him and want to be his traveling lawyer. He must need someone to get clearances and stuff.