Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Passover

Tonight starts the first night of Passover - where I very much struggle to remember what I am not supposed to eat, and how I can pretend to be Sephardic instead of Ashkenazic. In other words, not only eat Matzah, but some rice too! Can't I have my sushi?

The story of Passover is seriously epic - babies being pulled out of the Nile and adopted by the royal family (think Madonna), that baby growing up and seeing a burning bush and becoming an activist (think Harvey Milk), and that man using the 10 plagues as a way to push the hand of the pharaoh, and then the long journey in the dessert..... But what is very interesting is that the modern celebration is just that - there is mandated 4 glasses of wine, and reclining and revelry about having made it through some darn tough times. Maybe that is a message we should look at more carefully given today's world!

Learn more here and have a wonderful holiday!

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