Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Please don't turn my blue eyes red, Mr Obama

When I was a sophomore in college, I came home to my dad and I said - "Dad, I think I am a liberal republican". And his response was - "we have no republicans in this house - be as conservative of a democrat as you care to be". I have always listed to that with all my heart. I know that I will have to "pay" more for this choice and I am willing to do that because the benefits outweigh the costs.

I consider myself a very socially liberal and fiscally centrist - maybe even a little conservative. I voted for Obama, and I think that we need change. However, I agree with every word of the following op-ed. From what I saw at Obama's speech a week or so ago - he is clearly a very smart man, but he is also leading a party that seems to be a little overly zealous at their new found strength and power. And dare I say, a little drunk on that power. I believe they are not wearing the win well by gloating and throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Please don't make me sorry I consider myself a democrat. There is a reason why the USA is an economic engine, and certainly an engine in deep need of repair, but please don't throw the wrench in the middle without knowing what will happen by using it.

These are my thoughts only - so please take them as such.

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