Sunday, April 12, 2009

Word Of The Week: Bawdy

I was listening to The Current when a song by this very weird/entertaining/ruckus band called Gogol Bordello came on. My cousin, had told me about this mix of Eastern European craziness that hails from the Lower East Side of NYC. The announcer at the end of the song called it bawdy. Which was the exact right word.


Main Entry:1bawdy           Listen to the pronunciation of 1bawdy
Pronunciation: \ˈbȯ-dē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s):
bawd·i·er; bawd·i·est
Etymology: bawd
Date: 1513
1 : obscene , lewd
: boisterously or humorously indecent

Here is their video for "It Was Not A Crime"

Gogol and company will be in the Tundra in May, and if I were not going to be out of town, I would check them out for sure, my guess is it would an event to remember.

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